For the past several years, our neighborhoood has put on a live nativity performance. The mom's serve Christmas cookies, hot cocoa and then everyone goes caroling around the are towed in a trailer behind a golf cart, of course! This is our 1st Christmas here, so it was all new to us. Miss Paula asked if my boys wanted to be the Shepherd and a sheep, and much to my surprise (Bryce does NOT like to dress in costume!) they said yes!
The Wisemen
Joseph and Mary
The girls choir
The Angel, Shepherd & sheep!
They did a beautiful job telling the story of Jesus' birth. They sang a few songs and then at the end, the whole crowd sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. It was so sweet and very touching to see everyone involved. I'm very proud of our little children and our neigbhorhood for making this a tradition! Bryce & Drew are already talking about next year!