Bryce & Drew are on Winter Break this week. Papa Jim was able to fly down to spend the week with us, but unfortunately, Nana had to work. The highlight of our week was going to The Raccoon Mountain Caverns in Chattanooga, TN.
It's a good thing I didn't really understand what I was getting us in to, because I probably wouldn't have gone!
We wore helmets with flashlights, knee pads & gloves.
We went on a 2 hour tour climbing rocks
We pulled ourselves up rocks with ropes
We repelled down rocks
We slid down rocks on our rear ends
We belly crawled through tiny tunnels that were only 1 1/2 feet tall (this was NOT fun!)
And even walked across 12 inch wide suspended bridges! Can you see the fear in my face?
We learned a lot about geology and even got to see bats & salamanders! We got wet & muddy and it was scary at times, but overall it was an awesome adventure & experience. I'm so glad we did it. Bryce & Drew did amazingly well and want to go again!
That's a tiny salamander next to Drew's hands.