For several months, we've known that ONE day, one or both of the boys would figure out how to climb out of their cribs. It's inevitable, right? They tease us almost every day by swinging a leg over the side of the crib, or lately, actually straddling it like a horse! As soon as they see us walking toward them, they either jump back in the crib or suffer with the consequence of a swat or a timeout. Many friends have shared the advice to "keep your babies in their cribs as long as you can!" - especially noted from friends with "multiples." At nap time and bedtime we let the boys pick out a toy or book to take to bed for 5 minutes. We set a timer and when the the timer goes off, they know it's time for sleep. This seems to make the transition a little smoother for us. Well, Bryce chose the red tractor that Drew has been really fond of lately. Jimmy walked out of the room, closed the door and when he returned 5 minutes later, Drew had climbed out of his crib and was scaling up Bryce's crib to steal the tractor! Thankfully, he made it out of his crib safely! Today, when I put them down for their nap, Drew swung his leg over the side again and acted like he was going to climb out. Bryce started shaking his finger at Drew and with scrunched up eyes and a very concerned look, shouted, "Dew, no, no, no. Mama! Mama! Mama! Dew - back in bed!" It was SO funny! I guess that's a big brother's job to look out for his little brother!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I Knew This Day Would Come!
Girls Weekend!
I am SO excited! Two of my dearest friends are traveling from Forth Worth today for a 4-day girls' weekend! I am so honored that they would travel to see us! Thank you to their sweet husbands who will be staying home to take care of their 3 boys - all under the age of six! Thank you to Jimmy, too, for staying home with our 2 boys so I can go have fun with the girls. I'll be back next week with some updates.
Have a great weekend y'all!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
36 Years Ago!
36 years ago my sweet husband was born. Thank you to my in-laws for raising such a loving, thoughtful, compassionate, respectful, God-fearing boy and for all the other friends and family along the way that have been a positive influence in his life. I am so blessed & honored to be Jimmy's wife, best friend, and mother to our children.

4 cups apple - galas work well (peeled and diced)
2 cups sugar
2 cups flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs, well beaten
1 cup chopped walnuts
Mix together apples and sugar; set aside.
Sift together flour, cinnamon baking soda, salt and nutmeg. Add flour mix to apples; add oil, egg, vanilla and nuts. Mix well. Turn into well-greased 10x10 pan (I use a 9x13). Bake at 350 degrees for 55-60min.

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Spring Break
As I mentioned in an earlier post, Nana and Papa R and our niece and nephew (Teal and Drake) came to visit us from the Seattle area for their Spring Break. We spent half the time at our house and half at a condominium in a nearby resort town. Even though the weather was crummy most of the time, we had lots of fun.
Teal and Drake were so sweet, loving and attentive with Bryce and Drew. They were so helpful. Thank you kids...Auntie Karen loves you and I'm so proud of you both! Bryce and Drew love their Sissy and Drakey too!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Birthday Party #1
On Saturday, we celebrated the boys' 2ND Birthday with a party. We did a Thomas The Train theme