Yesterday, we celebrated Jimmy's 37th birthday. He enjoyed turkey hunting with a friend from church the day before so when I asked him what he would like to do he appropriately answered, "just spend a fun day with my family!"
The weather was a beautiful 85 degrees so he wanted to get outside and enjoy "World Fest" at Silver Dollar City. He received a Happy Birthday ribbon to proudly wear around the park...needless to say, it didn't stay on for long!
The boys had a blast playing in the kid's area. It was a 3 story building with foam balls everywhere. You could shoot the balls with air guns, suck them up with long vacuum hoses or feed them onto a ladder that traveled up when you turned the steering wheel. Our boys were fascinated by this.
Then we enjoyed the "Feet of Fire" show. Amazingly, Bryce was able to sleep on my lap with all the loud music playing! Of course, no Silver Dollar City day would be complete without least favorite thing! Someone has to take pictures, right?
Jimmy's birthday dinner didn't quite turn out as planned. Drew fell asleep in the car so Bryce and I ate while J stayed in the car with Drew. Then we "tag-teamed" Jimmy so he could eat a nice "quiet" dinner. Then Drew woke up and wanted to eat, so we all sat together. It was kind of a crazy, long meal, but thankfully, our server was patient and we tipped her well!
We ended the evening with some yummy Marble Slab ice cream.
Happy Birthday Jimmy & Daddy. WE all love you and appreciate you so much. WE are so blessed to have you. You are the BEST!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Happy Birthday to Jimmy
Saturday, April 18, 2009
A Wonderful Visit

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Easter 09: Part 2
After church on Sunday, our friends Jeff, Kristina, Maddy and Keenan came over for Easter dinner and an Easter egg hunt. The weather was horrible...40 degrees and pouring down rain. So, needless to say, the Easter egg hunt was indoors this year!
We decided it would be best to let the 3 three year olds do their own first...Bryce and Keenan ran around the house stuffing as many eggs in their baskets as possible while Drew would pick one up at a time and immediately open it! He didn't care that 1/2 of the egss had "monies" in them - he just wanted the ones with candy! It was so funny to watch!
The 3 boys with all of their loot!
Friday, April 10, 2009
1 Down 1 To Go!
We told the boys that when they turned 3 we were not going to buy any more diapers. After a few consistent days of encouragement, Bryce got it!
Drew is close but not quite there yet. He is still a little afraid about going "poo-poo" on the potty...he thinks it's "LUCKY!" = YUCKY! He also has a few "pee-pee" accidents throughout the day - mainly because he's so busy and I think he forgets or gets distracted. I'm sure he'll have it mastered in just a few days. I don't think he wants to be left behind!

Monday, April 6, 2009
3rd Birthday Party
The boys' 3rd Birthday Party was a huge success. We all had a blast at "The Party Place." We decorated with Mickey Mouse (of course!)Mom & Mike captured a lot of great pics with their camera but unfortunately we are unable to download from their disk, so here's a few from our camera.
Maddy and Keenan