Monday, December 14, 2009

Please Pray for Drew

Would you please pray for my sweet little Drew? He will be having surgery Wednesday at Children's Hospital in Little Rock to remove a cyst in his ear. The cholesteatoma is a serious condition that can damage the delicate ear bones and cause hearing loss, facial paralysis and even meningitis. Thankfully, our Ear, Nose, Throat specialist caught it before any of this occured. The surgeon will have to cut the entire length of his ear to access it so it will be a large incision. Drew won't be able to get his ear wet for 3 weeks so for my boy that likes to swim in the bathtub every night, this could be a problem!

Children's Hospital doesn't allow siblings in the waiting room due to lack of space and the influenza risk so thankfully, Papa Jim flew down from Seattle to help out. He can hang out in the hotel with Bryce so Jimmy and I can both be with Drew.

I will post some updates and thank you in advance for praying for our Drew.

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Smang said...

1st, I love your has been a long while since I've been on the blog. I'm so sorry to hear about Drew. We will be praying everyday for your precious boy!!! Love you so much. Kiss them for me.

Harris Boys said...

Drew is in our prayers. Glad it was caught early. Good luck little guy!

Sheila Fairly said...

Dear God, we trust that you have already worked out every detail of this surgery. We thank you for the skilled nurses and doctors that will be assisting. We pray that they are well rested and at their best in the morning. We pray that Drew will have no fear, but will think that it is a little adventure. We pray for a quick recovery and that Drew will be patient about not getting his ear wet. We are thankful that Bryce will be a good nurse maid for his brother and that papa Jim gets to be there to help.

Unknown said...

Karen, I loved your posting on the blog. It is good to see it again. Great time great memories. I love it thank. Papa Jim.