Monday, January 25, 2010

Fast Weekend

Our weekend went fast.  We met up with Eric, Donna & Jordyn Sat. afternoon in St. Louis and then departed late Sun. morning. The guys did a great job hauling Dad's car trailer and thankfully, all went smoothly!

"The triplets" (Jordyn, Bryce & Drew) were SO excited to see each other, and of course, to swim in the hotel pool!


The kiddos play so well together. They sat for over 2 hours at dinner just coloring, chattering with one another and playing quietly at our table...that NEVER happens with just my boys! It was nice to have fairly uninterrupted adult conversation!  Sadly, our visits with my brother are infreqeunt because we live about 10 hours away, so we cherish our visits with them.  Especially this weekend since Eric is deploying to Afghanistan in a few days.

We love you Uncle Eric, Aunt Donna & Jordyn.  We had lots of fun with you this weekend!

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1 comment:

Mike and Shirley said...

Love the pics....and they are truly as sweet as they look :)... the big kids as well as the little ones!